BB Gemini Curve 8520 Telkomsel Pre-Order

BB Gemini Curve 8520 Telkomsel Pre-Order

After BB Gemini Indosat and XL announced their pre-order price, this time turn to Telkomsel to announced their pre-order price of BB Curve 8520.
The price bundling package of Telkomsel BB Gemini is Rp.3.45 million.
However Telkomsel still offers special bonus like Speaker Go Rock, 50% package BIS Unlimited discount for 2 month and the Total bonus of BlackBerry Gemini Telkomsel claimed up to 800,000 rupiah.

tag: Harga Pre-Order Gemini Telkomsel, BB Gemini Telkomsel, BB Curve 8520 Telkomsel, Ponsel BlackBerry, Handphone BlackBerry


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