Harga Samsung S3653 Corby

Samsung S3653 Corby
Samsung S3653 Corby Specification

Price: about 1.75 million rupiah
-Quad-band GSM/EDGE
- Display TFT 2.8 inch touchscreen QVGA
- Internal Memory 90 MB
- Camera 2 megapixel fixed-focus with smile detection and video recording - slot microSD up to 8GB
- Bluetooth 2.1 A2DP
- USB v.2.0
- dokumen office
- smart unlock
- Fashion Jackets
- Radio FM RDS
- Track ID
- TouchWiz and Cartoon UI
- Facebook, MySpace, Twitter

- not support 3G
- not support accelerometer
- not support smart dialing
- Camera not support autofocus and flash

tag:Harga Samsung S3653 Corby, Samsung S3653 Corby Price, Spesifikasi Samsung S3653 Corby, Samsung S3653 Corby Specification, Kelebihan-Kekurangan/Kelemahan Samsung S3653 Corby, Disadvantage Samsung S3653 Corby, Handphone Samsung, Ponsel Samsung


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