Titan T8787, Dual On GSM � CDMA Phone Plus TV Tunner

Titan T8787, Dual On GSM � CDMA Phone Plus TV Tunner

The price prediction of Titan T8787 is about between 1.5-1.8 million rupiah.
The specification of Titan T8787 are the following:
Network: Dualband GSM (900/1800 MHz) & Dual Mode GSM-CDMA On
Display: TFT 262.144 colors, QVGA
Messaging: SMS, MMS, E-mail
Transfer data: GPRS
Memori external: microSD
Connectivity: WiFi, Bluetooth (A2DP support), cable data
Camera: 2.0 megapiksel, video recording
Browser: WAP
Others: facebook, chatting, Clock, E-book reader, Stopwatch, Converter, Speakerphone, Game, Polyphonic (MP3), MP3/MP4 player, Trackball, QWERTY, Radio FM, Java, Motion sensor, Calendar, Calculator, Alarm,
Battery : Lithium ion

tag: Harga Titan T8787, Titan T8787 Price, Spesifikasi Titan T8787, Titan T8787 Specification, Ponsel Titan, Handphone Titan


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