Samsung Lindy M5650 Design Like Corby 3650

Samsung Lindy M560
Samsung Lindy M5650 Design Like Corby 3650

There is news that Samsung will release, Samsung M5650 a.k.a Samsung Lindy in Europe.
Samsung Lindy M5650 design is close to Corby 3650, some said that this device is Corby 3650 in different version.
The price of Samsung Lindy M5650 is aroung $220.
The main specification of Samsung Lindy M5650 for instance: Radio FM, 3G, Wifi, shortcut music, camera 3 megapixel, front camera, multitouch, TouchWiz, MicroSD, DNSe, Social network shortcut and Bluetooth.

tag: Harga Samsung M5650 Lindy, Samsung Lindy M5650 Price, Handphone Samsung, Ponsel Samsung, Spesifikasi Samsung M5650 Lindy, Samsung M5650 Lindy Specification


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