SE Xperia X10 Indosat Harga Pre-Order Normal Andoid Expo

Sony Ericsson Xperia X10
Pre-Order and Normal Price of Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 Indosat

SE Xperia X10 is becoming the 6th Android phone of Indosat after the first list announced Motorola Milestone, Samsung Galaxy Spica, Huawei U8230 and LG GW 620.
Indosat also open the pre-order way for the user who wants to own this Android phone.
The pre-order opened during 22-28 February 2010 and the ordered phone ready to be taken on 3 March 2010 at Indosat Android Expo at event Mega Bazar Computer in Jakarta, Bandung, Semarang, Yogyakarta, Surabaya, Malang, Makassar.

Pre-Order Price: Rp. 6,500,000
Normal price: Rp. 7,000,000
Bonus Pre-Order: Free Leather Case, Screen Protector and Phone Stand.

tag: Harga SE Xperia X10 Indosat, Harga SE Xperia X10 Android, Harga Pre-order SE Xperia X10 Indosat, SE Xperia X10 Indosat Price, SE Xperia X10 Indosat Android Expo, Ponsel Sony Ericsson, Ponsel Indosat, Indosat Android Expo 2010


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