Asiafone AF703 With TV Mobile and FM Radio

Asiafone AF703
Asiafone AF703 With TV Mobile and FM Radio

Asiafone AF703 that cost 700,000 rupiah at WTC Surabaya during promotion starting from 24 March � 5 April 2010, has advantages as TV Mobile and FM Radio support.
The qwerty phone that also provides access Facebook, chatting, email and browsing with Opera Mini, uses LCD 2.4 inch TFT and camera megapixel.
The dual GSM Standby phone is also equipped with MMS, WAP 2.0, GPS, music and video player, bluetooth A2DP and USB.

tag: Harga Asiafone AF703, Asiafone AF703 Price, Specification Asiafone AF703, Spesifikasi Asiafone AF703, Ponsel Asiafone, Handphone Asiafone


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