Micxon S808 With Trackpad Navigation, WiFi and Bluetooth

MicXon S808
Micxon S808 With Trackpad Navigation, WiFi and Bluetooth

One of new MicXon Mobile lineup phone is Micxon S808, another phone is MicXon S788.
Micxon S808 is online phone, proved by providing several social networking and chatting application such as facebook, friendster, twitter, opera mini, and ebuddy.
This gadget has several advantages for instance WiFi, support java, trackpad navigation and support MicXon Messenger (M2M).
Micxon S808 also will be equipped with front camera with video chatting spport and and Bluetooth.

tag: Micxon S808 gambar, Micxon S808 picture, spesifikasi Micxon S808, Handphone MicXon, Ponsel MicXon, Micxon S808 Specification, MicXon Messanger (M2M)


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