Samsung Diva S7070 and Samsung Shark 3 S3550 Review At Glance

Samsung Diva S7070 and Samsung Shark 3 S3550 Review At Glance

Samsung Diva S7070 and Samsung Shark 3 S3550 informed go on shipping to Indonesia.
Here are about the reviow of both phones at glance :

Samsung Diva also known as Samsung S7070 is a touchscreen touchwiz with Pop up notificationof facebook or myspace, multi instant messenger and SOS message.
Samsung Diva also equipped with camera 3.2 megapixel, fake call, wislist, and etiquette mode.
Indonesia price is unavailable yet, but in UK, Samsung Diva cost about USD270.

Samsung Shark 3 also known as Samsung S3550 is a phone with display 2 inch and use display slider design phone.
Samsung Shark 3 also equipped with Camera 2 megapixel., bluetooth, internal memory 40MB, MicroSD and FM Radio.
Indonesia price still unavailable.

tag: Harga Samsung Diva (S7070), Harga Samsung Shark 3 (S3550), Samsung Diva (S7070) Price, Samsung Shark 3 (S3550) Price, Harga Samsung Diva Indonesia, Harga Samsung Shark Indonesia, Spesifikasi Samsung Diva (S7070), Spesifikasi Samsung Shark 3 (S3550), Samsung Diva (S7070) Specification, Samsung Shark 3 (S3550) Specification, Ponsel Samsung, Handphone Samsung


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