Nexcom NC188 IM3 Only 300,000 Rupiah

Nexcom NC188
Nexcom NC188 IM3 Only 300,000 Rupiah

Nexcom works together with Indosat IM3 offer the QWERTY dual on gsm-gsm low entry level. Nexcom NC188.
Nexcom NC188 price is only about 300,000 rupiah including IM3 bonus such as 600 minutes internet, 120 minutes call and 120 SMS.
Nexcom NC188 also equipped with shortcut of Yahoo and Facebook, QWERTY keypad, camera, Multimedia Player, Fm Radio and T-Fash.

tag: Harga Nexcom NC188, Nexcom NC188 Price, Spesifikasi Nexcom NC188, Nexcom NC188 IM3, Nexcom NC188 Specification, Handphone Nexcom, Ponsel Nexcom


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