BlackBerry Bold 9700 White Edition Indosat Special Price for BNI Card Holder

BB Bold White Edition Indosat
BlackBerry Bold 9700 White Edition Indosat Special Price for BNI Card Holder

Starting from 24 May to 6 June 2010, Indosat has opened the pre-order of BlackBerry Bold 9700 White Edition.
The price of BlackBerry Bold 9700 White Edition starting from 3.99 million rupiah.
The BNI Credit Card Holder would get several benefit, because Indosat offer a million rupiah discount for 200 users who make orders with BNI Matrix Credit Card, Style Titanium & Platinum or 750000 discount fo BNI Blue and BNI Gold Credit Card.
BIS Reguler support for 6 months also part of the offers for BNI Card holders.

tag: Harga BlackBerry Bold 9700 White Edition, BlackBerry Bold 9700 White Price, Pre Order BlackBerry Bold 9700 White Indosat, Harga BB Bold 9700 White Edition Indosat, BlackBerry Bold 9700 Indosat, BB Bold Indosat Pre-Order, Ponsel BlackBerry, Handphone BlackBerry, BlackBerry Bold White BNI Credit Card, Beli BlackBerry dengan Kartu Kredit BNI, BNI Matrix Credit Card, BNI Credit Card Style Titanium, BNI Credit Card Platinum, BB Bold BNI Card Holder, BNI Biru Card, BNI Emas Card


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