Nexcom Mobile Estimation Price on May 2010

Nexcom Mobile Estimation Price on May 2010

Here are the list of Nexom Mobile phone estimation price, see your strore for detail price:
Nexcom NX-313 :Rp. 800,000
Nexcom NX-317 :Rp. 900,000
Nexcom NX-318 :Rp. 1,700,000
Nexcom NX-319 : Rp. 1,925,000
Nexcom NX-320 :Rp. 1,300,000
Nexcom NX-323 :Rp. 775,000
Nexcom NX-328 :Rp. 1,350,000
Nexcom NX-329 :Rp. 600,000

tag: Harga Nexcom NX-320, Harga Nexcom NX-328, Harga Nexcom NX-318, Harga Nexcom NX-329, Harga Nexcom NX-323, Harga Nexcom NX-317, Harga Nexcom NX-313, Harga Nexcom NX-319


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