Sony Ericsson Shakira Expected Android and 3G

Sony Ericsson Shakira
Sony Ericsson Shakira Expected Android and 3G

Sony Ericsson has been informed to announce their new phone in June.
Does the phone is a phone called SE Shakira ?
Sony Ericsson Shakira design look a close to Xperia X10 and expected to runs Andoid 1.6 or Android 2.1 with 3G support.
Apart of that the rumor also said that Sony Ericsson Shakira would come with videocall camera.
And, the price should be under Xperia X10.

tag: Harga SE Shakira, Harg Sony Ericsson Shakira, SE Shakira Price, Sony Ericsson Shakira Price, Spesifikasi SE Shakira, SE Shakira Specification, Ponsel Sony Ericsson, Handphone Sony Ericsson


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