Hape Esia Ngoceh Slim Price and Advantages

Hape Esia Ngoceh Slim
Hape Esia Ngoceh Slim Price and Advantages

Hape Esia Ngoceh Slim comes with several advantages for instance slim of course, can be used to access Facebook, Twitter and chating.
Hape Esia Ngoceh Slim also provides package GANAS (gratis telpon nasional).
The price of this phone is 150,000 rupiah include tax.
During August 1-8, Esia held an exhibition for this phone at Plaza Surabaya.

tag: Harga Hape Esia Ngoceh Slim, Hape Esia Ngoceh Slim Price, Spesifikasi Hape Esia Ngoceh Slim, Hape Esia Ngoceh Slim Specification, Ponse Esia, Handphone Esia, Plaza Surabaya


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