SkyBee 83ST Normal Price 849,000 Rupiah

SkyBee 83ST
SkyBee 83ST Normal Price 849,000 Rupiah

SkyBee 83ST comes with advantage as Triple On GSM-GSM-CDMA and this time has been promoted at Plaza Marina 3rd Floor with special price 799,000 rupiah from normal price 849,000 rupiah.
The key features and specs of SkyBee 83ST are for instance: Fm Radio, External Memory, Bluetooth, Trackpad, Camera, MP3 & Mp4, and Java

tag: Plaza Marina Lt 3, Hape 3 Kartu GSM-GSM-CDMA, Harga SkyBee 83ST, SkyBee 83ST Price, Spesifikasi SkyBee 83ST, SkyBee 83ST Specification, SkyBee 83ST Review, Ponsel SkyBee, Handphone SkyBee


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