Nexian NX-C701 Sholeh With Hidayah Application and Esia Messenger

Nexian NX-C701
Nexian NX-C701 Sholeh With Hidayah Application and Esia Messenger

Nexian NX-C701 Sholeh is CDMA phone from Nexian with low price.
The QWERTY phone costs only 299,000 before tax.
Nexian NX-C701 Sholeh has been bundled with Esia that provides free Esia Card and Hidayah Application.
The following are the specifications of Nexian NX-C701 Sholeh:
-CDMA (esia)
-Hidayah Application
-Esia Messenger
-QWERTY Keypad
-65K Color LCD
-FM Radio (Handsfree)
-Yahoo Messenger
-Viva News
-MIDI Ringtone
-Speaker Phone
-Language : Indonesian � English

Actually, Nexian NX-C701 Sholeh is Hape Esia Hidayah Sholeh.

tag: Harga Nexian NX-C701 Sholeh, Nexian NX-C701 Sholeh Price, Spesifikasi Nexian NX-C701 Sholeh, Nexian NX-C701 Sholeh Specification, Ponsel Nexian, Handphone Nexian, Review Nexian NX-C701 Sholeh, Nexian CDMA


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