Nexian Nidji G508 Price For only 399,000 Rupiah

Harga Nexian Nidji G508
Nexian Nidji G508 Price For only 399,000 Rupiah

Nexian just launched the new music phone titled Nexian Nidji.
The Nexian Nidji actually has code name G508.
Nexian Nidji G508 recommended price is 399,000 Rupiah.
Below are the specs of Nexian Nidji G508 in general:
- Support Chatting Application
- Support Facebook & Twitter
- Dual GSM 900/1800MHZ
- Nexian Zone
- 2 inch TFT Color LCD
- FM Radio
- Nexian Messenger
- QWERTY keypad
- MP3 Player
- Handsfree
- NIDJI Applications
- Bluetooth
- Audio Recorder
- Speaker
- Camera
- Support External Memory
- language Indonesian � English
- 12 month Warranty
- NMC Player

tag: Peluncuran Nexian Nidji G508, Nexian Nidji G508 Price, Harga Nexian Nidji G508, Nexian Nidji G508 Spifications, Spesifikasi Nexian Nidji G508, Review Nexian Nidji G508, Ponsel Nexian, Handphone Nexian, Harga Promo Nexian Nidji G508, Tennis Indoor Senayan Jakarta, Hape Nexian Nidji G508, Ponsel Nexian Nidji G508, Handphone Nexian Nidji G508


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