Hape Nexian Dynamic NX-G353 For Only 333,000 Rupiah

Nexian Dynamic NX-G353 Harga dan spesifikasi
Hape Nexian Dynamic NX-G353 For Only 333,000 Rupiah

Looking for Nexian phone ? Here is a phone with price only 333,000 Rupiah, Nexian NX-G353 Dynamic.
The gadget reported to uncover on January 26 and brings several specs such as Bluetooth, internet browser and MP3 Player.
Nexian NX-G353 Dynamic is also equipped with FM Radio, Mp3 Player etc.
The key features and specifications of the gadget are as the following: Dynamic:
-Nexian Zone Social Media (facebook, twitter)
-Internet Browser
-Nexian Messenger
-Dual GSM 900/1800 MHz
-2.0 inch Color LCD
-FM Radio
-MP3 Player
-Language : English � Indonesian
-Dual External Memory Slots

tag: Harga Nexian Dynamic, Harga Nexian NX-G353, Nexian Dynamic Price, Nexian NX-G353 Price, Spesifikasi Nexian Dynamic, Spesifikasi Nexian NX-G353, Specifications Nexian Dynamic, Specifications Nexian NX-G353, Review Nexian Dynamic, Review Nexian NX-G353, Ponsel Nexian, film Nexian Dynamic G353 Nyeruduk, Peluncuran Nexian Dynamic


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