PalmPad Topaz and Opal leaked, the first Tablet with WebOS

Since Hewlett Packard acquired Palm a year ago, Hewlett Packard (HP) plans to continue to develop a WebOS platform for computer products, tablets, and smartphones. However, until now not clear when HP will start out with WebOS products to market.

Some of rumors on the internet predicted that the first tablet-tech Palm would likely be introduced soon. Engadget technology blog site, named the two models designed tablet that deserves believed to HP. One of them with a 9 inch screen is called Topaz, while others with smaller screens only 7 inches is called Opal. Topaz apart with wider screen also features a front camera, a micro USB port at the bottom, and 1.2 GHz processor
HP PalmPad

It’s likely that both tablets will display 1024 x 768; will be supported by HP Beats audio; play Flash video and allow “true multi tasking which allows 20 apps to run simultaneously” and will have an inductive charger, which means it will charge in the way a cordless phone does – without a wire between the charger and the tablet. HP’s Palm tablet has a microUSB port and multiple speakers.


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