iPad 2 Review (Video)

Indeed, the presence of two highly anticipated iPad by the enthusiast of Apple products, especially for the iPad, given the tremendous success iPad cause a lot of people waiting just how much the increase of the iPad 2.

Rumored iPad 2 will have a wider screen than previous iPad, we see how broad the addition of these 2 screen iPad

Here's another rumor circulating about Apple iPad 2:
  • Changes in design, following the iPhone 4 so her back into a flat. In addition there is little change in size.
  • The existence Camera, iPad 2, or whatever his name later, reportedly will have a camera. Not just one, but two cameras that can be used to FaceTime (video calls)
  • Networking, rumored iPad 2 that will support GSM and CDMA networks (either separately or together). Issues like these similar occurrence of the same issue when the iPhone.
  • The processor, when the first present, the processor A4 iPad enough to attract attention. That said, the iPad 2 will be more remarkable by using dual-core processor.
Has emerged a video review of the iPad 2 (even though its not yet release iPad 2) a pity to miss because the video is quite unique, funny and very creative.
please watch the video below:



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