Display own Images in Gmail

Do you have a Gmail and often stared at the email inbox? Now Gmail inbox view to enhanced according to your wishes. Well, Gmail users can now do so. Even if willing, could you put pictures of our own face

Google had been providing a variety of interesting themes or themes to choose from Gmail. But if there is a theme that is felt not quite satisfactory, Google is now allowing pengunanya be creative to create your own themes. Then just click, a theme that can be displayed as a background in the email

Gmail, Custom background
The trick was quite easy, click Options on the button on the right side of the display Gmail, select the Mail Settings then 'Themes' and then scrolldown to the last option and select Create Your Own Theme.

After that, just follow the directions to select a photo from Picasa or upload anything else, then customize the text and background color. Depending on the selected image, you may need to play around with the color of text to set for a particular section can be read.

You can pick from any of your Picasa images or upload a new one. Enjoy!


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