TweetGenius v.1.0.9 Download, Twitter BlackBerry

TweetGenius v.1.0.9 Download, Twitter BlackBerry

Good news for the BlackBerry users who are waiting for the latest version of TweetGenius. The last version, TweetGenius v.1.0.9 is going ready to download soon.
The TweetGenius v.1.0.9 will contain interesting features, for instance
- Arrange photos at Twitpic, twitgoo, tweetphoto, and yfrog images
- Posting loation through GPS
- 2 themes choice
- Shortcut Icon to Reply, retweet and direct message
- Upload photo directly
- Status Bar to express time, Signal Status, etc

Go to for download detail

tag: Download TweetGenius, Free Download BlackBerry Application, Download Twitter BlackBerry


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