Acer Liquid S100 Price Support 3G HSDPA and WiFi

Acer Liquid S100
Acer Liquid S100 Price Support 3G HSDPA and WiFi

Acer Liquid S100 is an Android phone that support 3G HSDPA and WiFi.
The Acer Liquid S100 cost in India is about USD540:
The following are the specifications of Acer Liquid S100:
-Prosesor snapdragon 768 Mhz
-Google Maps
-Weight 135g
-dimension 115 x 62.5 x 12.5 mm
-Display 3.5 inch toucscreen 480x800 pixel WVGA
-OS Android 1.6 Donut
-support accelerometer
The price projection of Acer Liquid S100 is about USD540.

tag: Harga Acer Liquid S100, Spesifikasi Acer Liquid S100, Acer Liquid S100 Specification, Acer Liquid S100 Price, Handphone Acer, Ponsel Acer


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