HT Mobile G78 Link Advantages and Specifications

HT Mobile G78 Foto & Gambar
HT Mobile G78 Link Advantages and Specifications

HT Mobile G78 Link comes with triple on GSM-GSM-CDMA sim cards just like the GT75.
Beside tripe on, HT Mobile G78 Link also has several advantages such as provided TV Analoge, unique QWERTY design, OFN Trackpad navigation, Motion Sensor and PC Camera Support Webcam.
The gadget that owns Dual Camera Front 0.3 MP and Back 0.3 MP comes with Internal Memory 62.4mb and Bluetooth V2.0 A2DP.
The device that cost about 1.1 million rupiah also provides audio jack 3.5 mm.

tag: Harga HT Mobile G78 Link, HT Mobile G78 Link Price, Spesifikasi HT Mobile G78 Link, HT Mobile G78 Link Specification, Ponsel HT Mobile, Handphone HT Mobile, Fitur HT Mobile G78 Link, Ponsel 3 Kartu, Handphone GSM-GSM-CDMA


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